Sunday, August 24, 2008

About Jaxtr

Jaxtr is an award-winning social communications company based in Menlo Park, Calif. Jaxtr launched its first consumer service in March 2007 and is currently used by more than 10 million users in 220 countries. Jaxtr links your phone to the Web, so you can call people anywhere in the world directly from your mobile phone without paying expensive international toll charges. By posting jaxtr widgets into your MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networking profiles, you can hear from callers worldwide while keeping your existing phone number private. In-network jaxtr calls are free, and jaxtr works with any phone, mobile or landline. No download is required even if calls are initiated from a mobile phone.

Jaxtr was launched in March 2007 by Phillip Mobin and Touraj Parang and has quickly become the world's largest social communications company. Over 10 million people in 220 countries use jaxtr to receive calls from people visiting their social networking pages, to make calls to their friends and family worldwide and to get to know fellow jaxtr members on cafĂ© jaxtr, the world's largest talk network. 

Jaxtr works with any phone, both mobile and landline. When a member adds their jaxtr link to their email signature, friends and family can call them from their regular phone from anywhere in the world without paying expensive international toll charges. Family and friends simply click on the member's jaxtr link to generate a local number in their country. 

By saving this permanent, direct-dial number on their phone, people can call friends and family abroad at the same cost and with the same convenience as calling a friend down the street. 

Jaxtr is backed by world-class investors, and is led by jaxtr CEO Konstantin Guericke who previously co-founded LinkedIn, the world's leading business network.

Five Ways Jaxtr Technology Helps Small Businesses
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2008-07-31 20:58:13 - In response to a recent survey published by the International Council for Small Business (ICSB), jaxtr-the company that links your phone to the Web-has pulled together five highlights of how the company can help small businesses grow and stay connected internationally.

The following are five ways that jaxtr's technology can help small businesses to make a big impact.

1. Convert More Traffic, More Quickly 
With a jaxtr widget on your Web site or blog, potential customers can directly call you or your office (much like an 800 number, but without the cost). This can help increase conversion of impatient purchasers and inquirers 

who don't want to search for contact info or fill out an email contact form. After all, a call is much closer to a sale than an email.

2. Save Money
For small businesses that have regular international calls, jaxtr can help save your company money. Plus, if your clients and business contacts join up on jaxtr, you can potentially increase the savings further. You can see our rates for the 220 different countries in which we offer service at this rates link.

3. Your On-The-Go Phone
With jaxtr, you can route your calls from the Web directly to your mobile phone. You also don't need to download software onto your computer or your phone. 

4. Global Voicemail
You can check your voice mail anywhere around the world. It doesn't matter what phone you're carrying, you'll have just one voice mail box.

5. Follow Me Number
You can add three numbers in to your jaxtr account and set it up to route calls to different numbers depending on your needs. It's as easy as adding a number to your account and selecting it from a drop-down menu

Menlo Park, CA 94025

Contact Person:
Stacy Geagan Wagner
VP--Corporate Communications
Phone: 650-714-2523
email: email


Stacy Geagan Wagner
Phone: 650-714-2523

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